Results for 'Henry Sebastián Rangel-Quiñonez'

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  1.  15
    Reconceptualizando la guerra: sobre la impropiedad de usar sistemas formales determinísticos racionales en el fenómeno del conflicto armado.Ariel Alvarado Araque & Henry Sebastián Rangel Quiñonez - 2016 - Revista Filosofía Uis 15 (2):73-89.
    Este texto resume algunas críticas sobre el uso de la modelación matemática y estadística en temas relacionados con el conflicto armado. Para lo cual se presenta la teoría pura de la guerra a partir de Carl Von Clausewitz; la cual se muestra como condición necesaria para los modelos formales. Luego de ello se demarcan los alcances de estos modelos y sus limitaciones.
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    Filosofía, matemática y paradojas: el caso de la paradoja Burali-Forti en la argumentación de Descartes sobre la existencia de Dios.Henry Sebastián Rangel-Quiñonez & Javier Orlando Aguirre-Román - 2016 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 2 (19):127-152.
    El presente escrito presenta las ventajas y desventajas de la formalización matemática como una herramienta para el análisis de argumentos complejos o difusos en la filosofía. De tal forma, aquí se encuentra un recorrido histórico de algunas consideraciones del papel de las matemáticas en la búsqueda del conocimiento. Posterior a ello, se muestra cómo por medio de la teoría de conjuntos y laabstracción matemática, es posible proponer una reinterpretación de algunos textos filosóficos. Para lograr este objetivo, se presenta, a manera (...)
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    Borges: literato y filósofo de las paradojas.Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Henry Sebastián Rangel Quiñonez - 2019 - Revista Filosofía Uis 18 (1):89-108.
    el presente texto es una revisión crítica de parte de la obra del escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges con el fin de evidenciar el talante filosófico de este autor. Para ello se presta especial atención al uso de la noción de infinito y las paradojas que de él resultan. Nuestra conclusión es que, si se va a considerar a Borges como filósofo, se debe concluir que, ante todo, es un “filósofo de las paradojas”. Sobre esta base se puede entender su (...)
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    The Thoughtful Heart: The Metaphysics of John Henry Newman. With a Fully Annotated Reader’s Text of Newman’s Discursive Enquiries onMetaphysical Subjects by William F. Myers.Sebastian Gałecki - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (1):70-71.
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    Michel Henry.Sebastian Knöpker - 2012 - [Düsseldorf]: Onomato Verlag. Edited by Rolf Kühn.
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    Social Time.Sebastian Olma - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):127-129.
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    Rereading Henri Lefebvre’s La production de l’espace: Appropriation, Nature, and Time-Space in São Paulo Spatial History at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century. [REVIEW]Sebastian Dorsch - 2018 - In Robert Fischer & Jenny Bauer, Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre: Theory, Practices and (Re)Readings. De Gruyter. pp. 77-94.
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    Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics.Sebastian Hüsch (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
    Short description: Part A : Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge – Chapter I : Idealism and the Absolute – A. J. B. Hampton: “Herzen schlagen und doch bleibet die Rede zurück?” Philosophy, poetry, and Hölderlin’s development of language suffi cient to the Absolute – P. Sabot: L’absolu au miroir de la littérature. Versions de l’Hégélianisme’ chez Villiers de l’Isle Adam et chez Mallarmé – P. Gordon: Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute – Chapter II: Philosophy and Style – J.-P. Larthomas: Le (...)
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  9. Review of Henry E. Allison, Kant's Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defense, Revised and Enlarged Edition[REVIEW]Sebastian Gardner - 2005 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2005 (9).
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    God and secular man: a study of Newman's approach to the problem of God and its implications for secular man.Sebastian Karotemprel - 1977 - Calcutta: Firma KLM.
    Study of Cardinal John Henry Newman, 1801-1890.
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    Wissen produzieren, lokalisieren und imaginieren. Von „falschen Karten“ und „wissenschaftlichen Expeditionen“ in der Auseinandersetzung um Guyana (1880er bis 1900er Jahre). [REVIEW]Sebastian Dorsch - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (1):39-63.
    Producing, Localising, and Imagining Knowledge. On “false maps” and “scientific expeditions” in the Brazilian‐French Debates about Guyana (1880s–1900s). This paper analyses the interferences between knowledge production, space and colonial claims from translocal, actor‐based perspectives. Due to its ‘thickness’ the examined material, found particularly at the Perthes collection (Gotha/Germany), allows multifaceted views on a topic which influences our scientific knowledge‐based world views. In his writings the Swiss naturalist Emil Göldi underlined his point of view that was both ‘Brazilianized’ and scientific. Especially (...)
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  12.  20
    El movimiento, la ipseidad en situación y la sensibilidad.Juan Sebastián Ballén Rodríguez - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105).
    En el presente artículo se hace una descripción de las variables fenomenológicas del movimiento, la ipseidad y la sensibilidad que propone la filosofía de Michel Henry. A partir de esta lectura se profundiza en el papel epistémico que ejerce la corporeidad, como horizonte de sentido para una ‘fenomenología de la vida material’.
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    Wiedza testymonialna a rozumowanie ukryte.Sebastian Gałecki - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):199-213.
    Problem ukrytości Boga staje się coraz częściej dyskutowanym tematem filozoficznym. W swoim artykule chciałbym zająć się kwestią nazwaną przez Jacka Wojtysiaka (w jego książce Między jawnością a ukryciem) (Wojtysiak 2023) „wiedzą testymonialną” i powiązać ją z Newmanowską koncepcją rozumowania implikatywnego. Odróżnienie od siebie dwóch rodzajów rozumowania — jednego spontanicznego, praktycznego, znajdującego swoje zastosowanie w obszarze wiary i moralności, oraz drugiego krytycznego, analitycznego i retrospektywnego, używanego w nauce, a także w filozofii i teologii – wydaje mi się kluczowe dla zrozumienia (...)
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  14. Fenomenologiczne zapytywanie o religijny wymiar istoty sztuki. Rozważania w kręgu myśli Heideggera, Duméry’ego, von Balthasara i Henry’ego.Andrzej Krawiec - 2021 - Pro Musica Sacra 19:7-20.
    Phenomenological reflection on the essence of art goes towards the revelation of its ultimate Source, which is also the Source of spirituality of a man and, finally, of artistic works. Art occupies a prominent place in the works of Martin Heidegger, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Michel Henry, and what they have in common is pointing out the ability of transcending artistic work towards beyond-aesthetic and over-aesthetic dimensions. For those philosophers the work of art is a ‘way’ which may (...)
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    Michel Henry, la passion de naître. [REVIEW]Rolf Kühn - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:403-404.
    ROLF KÜHN, Jean Reaidy, Michel Henry, la passion de naître : méditations phénoménologiques sur la naissance; SEBASTIAN KNÖPKER Rolf Kühn, Praxis der Phänomenologie: Einübungen ins Unvordenkliche; EVELINE CIOFLEC, Chan-fai Cheung, Kairos: Phenomenology and Photography; DENISA BUTNARU, Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, Ilja Srubar, Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; ȘTEFAN NICOLAE, Martin Endreß, Alfred Schütz; ȘTEFAN NICOLAE, Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Lifewordly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science, Vol. 1/2009; BENCE MAROSAN, Csaba Olay, Hans-Georg Gadamer: Phänomenologie der ungegenständlichen (...)
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  16. Kant's Theory of Freedom.Henry E. Allison - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In his new book the eminent Kant scholar Henry Allison provides an innovative and comprehensive interpretation of Kant's concept of freedom. The author analyzes the concept and discusses the role it plays in Kant's moral philosophy and psychology. He also considers in full detail the critical literature on the subject from Kant's own time to the present day. In the first part Professor Allison argues that at the centre of the Critique of Pure Reason there is the foundation for (...)
  17. Können wir uns entscheiden, etwas zu glauben? Zur Möglichkeit und Unmöglichkeit eines doxastischen Willens.Sebastian Schmidt - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (4):571-582.
    I argue that believing at will – i.e. believing for practical reasons – is in some sense possible and in some sense impossible. It is impossible insofar as we think of belief formation as a re-sult of our exercise of certain capacities (perception, memory, agency). But insofar as we think of belief formation as an action that might lead to such a result (i.e. a deliberation or an in-quiry), believing at will is possible. First I present and clarify the problem (...)
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  18. Relations all the way down? Against ontic structural realism.Sebastián Briceño & Stephen Mumford - 2016 - In Anna Marmodoro & David Yates, The Metaphysics of Relations. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 198-217.
    According to Ladyman, the world consists of nothing more than relations that relate to no particulars. Could the world be nothing but structure? In this chapter it is argued that even though there are a number of problems with the standard view of relations accompanied by a particularist ontology, substituting for it a world of pure structure is not progress. A world of pure structure would be no more than a Platonic entity, lacking any resources for concretization. Consequently, there would (...)
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  19. Husserl’s concept of the ‘transcendental person’: Another look at the Husserl–Heidegger relationship.Sebastian Luft - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (2):141-177.
    This paper offers a further look at Husserl’s late thought on the transcendental subject and the Husserl–Heidegger relationship. It attempts a reconstruction of how Husserl hoped to assert his own thoughts on subjectivity vis-à-vis Heidegger, while also pointing out where Husserl did not reach the new level that Heidegger attained. In his late manuscripts, Husserl employs the term ‘transcendental person’ to describe the transcendental ego in its fullest ‘concretion’. I maintain that although this concept is a consistent development of Husserl’s (...)
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  20. Idealism and Freedom: Essays on Kant’s Theoretical and Practical Philosophy.Henry E. Allison - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Henry Allison is one of the foremost interpreters of the philosophy of Kant. This new volume collects all his recent essays on Kant's theoretical and practical philosophy. All the essays postdate Allison's two major books on Kant, and together they constitute an attempt to respond to critics and to clarify, develop and apply some of the central theses of those books. Two are published here for the first time. Special features of the collection are: a detailed defence of the (...)
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  21. Cognitive access and cognitive phenomenology: conceptual and empirical issues.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):188-204.
    The well-known distinction between access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness has moved away from the conceptual domain into the empirical one, and the debate now is focused on whether the neural mechanisms of cognitive access are constitutive of the neural correlate of phenomenal consciousness. In this paper, I want to analyze the consequences that a negative reply to this question has for the cognitive phenomenology thesis – roughly the claim that there is a “proprietary” phenomenology of thoughts. If the mechanisms responsible (...)
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  22. Kant's Third Critique: The Project of Unification.Sebastian Gardner - 2016 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 78:161-185.
    This paper offers a synoptic view of Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgement and its reception by the German Idealists. I begin by sketching Kant's conception of how its several parts fit together, and emphasize the way in which the specifically moral motivation of Kant's project of unification of Freedom and Nature distances it from our contemporary philosophical concerns. For the German Idealists, by contrast, the CPJ's conception of the opposition of Freedom and Nature as defining the overarching task (...)
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  23. El regreso de Bradley y el problema de la unidad-compleja: ¿tropos al rescate?Sebastián Briceño - 2016 - Critica 48 (143):47-75.
    It is commonly held that Bradley’s regress has a solution within a trope ontology. This seems to happen when a bundle is understood as constituted by non-transferable tropes. It also seems to happen when a bundle is understood as constituted by transferable tropes related by a relational trope of compresence whose existence specifically depends on those relata. In this article I demonstrate that these proposals fail in addressing the essential question that underlies the regress, incurring in a question-begging response already (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Philosophical Aestheticism.Sebastian Gardner - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article explores Nietzsche’s philosophical aestheticism—the conception of art and the aesthetic as playing a necessary, internal, privileged role in the task of philosophy. It begins with an overview of the discussions of art and the aesthetic in Nietzsche’s writings, focusing on his early theory of tragedy. It then shows how Nietzsche’s position allows itself to be reconstructed as a distinctive and coherent form of philosophical aestheticism. The great importance Nietzsche gives to the aesthetic state is not matched by extensive (...)
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  25. The atomic priesthood and nuclear waste management: Religion, sci‐fi literature, and the end of our civilization.Sebastian Musch - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):626-639.
    This article discusses the idea of an “Atomic Priesthood,” a religious caste that would preserve and transmit the knowledge of nuclear waste management for future generations. In 1981, the US Department of Energy commissioned a “Human Interference Task Force” that would examine the possibilities of how to maintain the security of nuclear waste storage sites for 10,000 years, a period during which our civilization would likely perish, but the dangerous nature of nuclear waste would persist. One option that was discussed (...)
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    A letter to American teachers of history.Henry Adams - 1910 - [Baltimore: Press of J.H. Furst co.].
    Henry Brooks Adams (February 16, 1838 - March 27, 1918) was an American historian and member of the Adams political family, being descended from two U.S. Presidents.As a young Harvard graduate, he was secretary to his father, Charles Francis Adams, Abraham Lincoln's ambassador in London, a posting that had much influence on the younger man, both through experience of wartime diplomacy and absorption in English culture, especially the works of John Stuart Mill. After the American Civil War, he became (...)
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    Philosophy of Computational Social Science.Sebastian Benthall - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):13-30.
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    Introduction to Routledge Companion to Phenomenology.Sebastian Luft - unknown
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    “Real-Idealism”: An Unorthodox Husserlian Response to the Question of Transcendental Idealism.Sebastian Luft - unknown
  30. Lucan and the Sublime: Power, Representation and Aesthetic Experience.Henry J. M. Day - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive study of the sublime in Lucan. Drawing upon renewed literary-critical interest in the tradition of philosophical aesthetics, Henry Day argues that the category of the sublime offers a means of moving beyond readings of Lucan's Bellum Civile in terms of the poem's political commitment or, alternatively, nihilism. Demonstrating in dialogue with theorists from Burke and Kant to Freud, Lyotard and Ankersmit the continuing vitality of Longinus' foundational treatise On the Sublime, Day charts Lucan's complex (...)
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    Fernando de Roa y la recepción de la filosofía práctica de Aristóteles.Sebastián Contreras Aguirre - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 57:349-374.
    The present paper describes how Fernando de Roa, professor at the University of Salamanca in the 15th century, received Aristotle’s practical philosophy. This article expounds his interpretation on three main topics of classical ethics and politics: justice as a social virtue, natural servitude and happiness as the end of man. Roa, in his repetitions, as well as in his commentaries on Politics, focuses on these questions and addresses them with a renewed and modern Aristotelianism, which is based on the ideas (...)
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    Art as expression and surface.Henry David Aiken - 1945 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (2):87-95.
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    Notes on the categories of naturalism.Henry David Aiken - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (19):517-526.
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  34. Bishop Berkeley's Petitio.Henry E. Allison - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):232.
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    Kant and the Two Dogmas of Rationalism.Henry E. Allison - 2005 - In Alan Jean Nelson, A Companion to Rationalism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 343–359.
    This chapter contains sections titled: I II III IV V.
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  36. Divagations métaphysiques.André-Henry - 1968 - Paris: Structures nouvelles.
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    The Bond of Being, An Essay on Analogy and Existence.Henry Veatch - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (1):152-154.
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    Edged into the Sahara? A Challenge for Nigerian Christians.Henry Awoniyi - 1987 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 4 (2):14-16.
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  39. Social cognition and cortical function : an evolutionary perspective / Susanne Shultz & Robin I. M. Dunbar / Homo heuristicus and the bias-variance dilemma.Henry Brighton & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2012 - In Jay Schulkin, Action, perception and the brain: adaptation and cephalic expression. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Close-Ups of History: Three Decades Through the Lens of an Ap Photographer.Henry D. Burroughs & Margaret Burroughs - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    "The professional memoir of Henry Burroughs--former president of the White House Press Photographers Association, chairman of the Senate Standing Committee for Photographers, and "shooter" for the Associated Press for thirty-three years--whose career docu.
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    Ensaio de autocrítica, “ante um olhar mais velho, cem vezes mais exigente, mas não mais frio”.Henry Burnett - 2023 - Cadernos Nietzsche 44 (3):77-92.
    The article revisits the "Essay on Self-Criticism", written by Nietzsche as a late preface toThe Birth of Tragedy, in the 1886 edition. The intention is to show how his interpretation of the Dionysian concept reaches his mature works, among themEcce Homo,Beyond Good and EvilandThus Spoke Zarathustra, and how his self-criticism shows that the presence of Dionysus would never cease to occupy a decisive place in his thought.
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    Private enterprise pubiisiiing in Kenya: A long struggle for emancipation.Henry Chakava - 1993 - Logos 4 (3):130-135.
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    The Priority of Democratic Autonomy Over Discriminatory Religion.Henry E. Cline - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Research 25:381-403.
    This paper attempts to nudge the reader in the direction of an enlightened account of democratic choice, a sense of reflective choice which undermines our present support of discriminatory sectarian doctrine. I use Gutmann’s and Altman’s views as prologues to my own, though they might well reject my conclusions about discriminatory religion. I contrast my view with Macedo’s, Gray’s, Larmore’s, Rosenblum’s, and Galston’s.My argument utilizes common sense and relatively uncontroversial metaphysical principles to make it more difficult to dismiss as being (...)
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  44. The Public Worship of God.Henry Sloane Coffin - 1946
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  45. Paideia and Performance.Henry C. Curcio, Mark Ralkowski & Heather L. Reid (eds.) - 2023 - Parnassos Press.
    Paideia is a word that signifies education or culture—two concepts that are only apparently distinct in Ancient Greek thinking. The performance of poetry, philosophy, rhetoric, drama, dance, and even athletics functioned simultaneously as education and culture. They entertained and unified communities by affirming shared heritage and interrogating common values. This process had special importance in Sicily and Southern Italy, where Hellenism was often a matter of education rather than ancestry. This volume explores the intersection of education and cultural performance in (...)
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    Moral and Pastoral Theology: Human acts, law, sin, virtue.Henry Davis - 1938 - Sheed & Ward.
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    Philosophie de la religion.Henry Duméry - 1957 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    t. 1. Catégorie de sujet. Catégorie de grâce. t. 2. Catégorie de foi.
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    How to Make Up a Theory.Henry E. Kyburg - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (1):84-87.
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    Modulation of myosin assembly.Henry F. Epstein - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (6):197-200.
    Myosin self‐assembly is generally considered to be the major process in thick filament formation within striated muscles. The biological assembly of myosin into thick filaments is being analysed by genetic dissection as well as biochemical and morphological experiments in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This work shows that the assembly of myosin is modulated by its biosynthesis and interaction with non‐myosin proteins. Assemblages which generate multiple nascent thick filaments may play a central role in a catalytic cycle of myosin assembly.
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  50. From conflict to confluence of interest : the co-evolution of academic entrepreneurship and intellectual property rights.Henry Etzkowitz - 2010 - In Thomas H. Murray & Josephine Johnston, Trust and integrity in biomedical research: the case of financial conflicts of interest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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